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We Are Building A Moderate Political Party

We Are Building A Moderate Political Party

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The purpose of these thoughts, values, ideals and organization is to permit you to create a better life for yourself and your family.

In our States and in the United States we currently have (broadly speaking) three political choices or hues on the spectrum of today's political thought:

“Equifair” Progressivism • Moderates and Independents • Traditional Conservatism

These political stripes and hues reflect our individual beliefs, cultural values and human choice. They reflect our personal and societal interests. They help us implement policies and adjust our private realm institutions.

AIMI exists to define a moderate independent political path for those who live, or want to live, a life of principled character. Our U.S. republican political institutions permit citizens to have a voice in the development of our culture. Our hope is to create a community of individuals who prefer to follow a middle path.

News Topics

Privacy / View all

Trump Is Governing as a Free Market, Free Speech, Nationalist

Most moderates see the necessity for the release of our human spirit within a competitive and free marketplace. Moderates support a center-right coalition and policies to protect our individualism and our private realm. Consistent with our individual spirit, Mr. Donald Trump is offering policies for our country as a free market, free speech nationalist. Mr. […]

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As To Them Shall Seem Most Likely… / View all

U.S Citizens Hear The Dissonance Between Their Frame Of Reference And The Media’s “News”

All mainstream news media understand that their viewers and listeners bring a personal moral and biased mental frame of reference to every deliberative discussion and conversation. Mainstream media does not seem to understand that their institutional moral and biased cultural frame of reference is always percieved as dissonant to those individuals who do not share […]

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Rule of Law / View all

The Political Parties In The U.S. Are Offering Socialism (Democrats) And Liberty (Republicans) To The Citizens Of The United States

In 2020, the Democrats are offering our citizens more socialism, while the Republicans are offering our citizens more private realm free markets. The political factions in the U.S. (left and right) are reaching out to their base constituencies to determine their candidates for president. The various candidates are working through caucus and primary systems to […]

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The Private Realm / View all

2016 Progressives – Was It Their Policies Or Was It Mrs. Clinton?

2020 Update: The U.S. Department of Justice and the FBI have revealed in documents that Mrs. Clinton hatched a plot to discredit Mr. Trump, in order to divert attention from her email scandal. Documents reveal that the Obama administration Department of Justice and the FBI implemented Mrs. Clinton’s plan. The delegates to the Democratic Party […]

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